AIIMS and IIT confirmed Yoga Nidra is beneficial for both body and mind

AIIMS and IIT confirmed Yoga Nidra is beneficial for both body and mind

Benefits of Yog Nidra: Yoga Nidra is a yogic practice that was practiced by sages in ancient times. This tradition is still prevalent today. Yoga Nidra is actually a state between sleep and wakefulness. The person who does this remains awake but his mind remains in the same state. In this, the body becomes completely calm. In the same state, the body becomes completely still. At this time, the person does not think of anything else in the mind. This state of consciousness is completely different from meditation. In this, the one thing that becomes completely focused is the mind. The benefits of Yoga Nidra have been described in our religious scriptures.

Increases alertness in the brain

According to IIT Delhi, when MRI was done while doing yoga nidra, it was found that many types of changes take place in the brain. Doing this increases brain sensitivity. And it also has benefits. According to research, research was done on how the blood circulation in the brain works during yoga nidra. According to research, the neuron system is very sensitive in the state of yoga nidra.

Actually, there is a default mode network (DMN) in the human brain. This is the part of the brain in which all the signals of the brain are connected to each other. When our attention is not on any one thing, then it remains in a very active mode.

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According to researchers from IIT Delhi, there is a background mode of the brain which is very active. It keeps wandering here and there when we daydream. Research has found that those who do yoga nidra very well, their default mode network (DMN) works very differently than novices. This is the part of the brain in which many signals are connected to each other. It remains active when our attention is not on one thing.

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Research has revealed that the longer a person does yoga mudras, the more changes take place in his brain. This makes it clear that doing yoga mudras reduces mental distractions. Which changes the connectivity of the default mode network (DMN). According to this study, according to a professor from IIT Delhi, yoga mudras improve the subconscious mind. Doing this brings happiness to the body and mind. This improves health.

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